Wednesday 29 September 2010


The charcters representations are as follows:

Walter Neff is represented as flirty and shows that he likes Ms Dietrichson. This is shown a couple of times; when he goes to her house lookin for her husband and see's her half dressed and when he calls her 'baby' etc. Also it shows that that the lady in the text who is Phillis Dietrichson is in control of Walter Neff and this is shown when she says 'Suppose you let me off with a warning, officer'. She acts like he is the police and shes the culprit. It shows that he can not control her.

Phyllis Dietrichson is represented as sexually objectified and an object of male desire. This is shown because in the beggining of the text its shows how shes half dressed which connotes that its quite seductive. Shes comes across as weak and vulnerable 'he keeps me on a leash so tight I can'y breathe'. Also she is quite flirtacious and this is shown when she comes out to see Neff, she is half dressed and also metions it and her posture when she sits down on the chair. The colour of her clothes change from white to black and she wears low cut blouse which objectified when we see her feet and legs as she comes down the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. www: you have related the essay well to the text by including quotes from the text.

    ebi: you need to use media language more often.
